In 1994, the K Foundation – Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty – travelled to the island of Jura, off Scotland, where they burned one million pounds in bank notes. Their friend Alan "Gimpo" Goodrick filmed them doing it. Bill and Jimmy then toured with the film, inviting debate about the meaning of the act. Was it art? Was it a political gesture? Was it stupid and reckless? Were they making a great statement? This book presents stills from Gimpo's film along with transcripts of these debates and other bits of commentary.
There are no "easy answers" about burning £1 million, but there's some very interesting discussion about the nature of art, money and value.
Note: although Bill Drummond has distributed this via his Penkiln Burn imprint – and obviously features heavily – this book is not written by him, as is suggested in some online listings.