13/05/20: Dean Karnazes – Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner (2005)

“Just as a race-car driver pushes his vehicle to the limit, or a pilot tests the ‘edge’ in an experimental plane, I wanted to see how far I could go. What I now realize is that the way other people seek physical comfort and blissful well-being, I seek extremes. Why run 10 miles when you can run 100? Moderation bores me.”

Dean Karnazes lives for running. He can run for days. He eats while running, and organises pizza deliveries along the route. He has fallen asleep while running. He even dictated this book while running. He ran in Death Valley, where it was so hot that his trainers started melting.

I really enjoyed his account of his obsession.

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